Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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BASIC Source File
258 lines
Option Explicit
' =========================================================================================
' Standard Global String Variables
' =========================================================================================
Global gsCRLF As String ' Carriage-Return Line-Feed character
Global gsTAB As String ' Standard TAB character
' ===============================================================
' Declaration of Application Title
' ===============================================================
Global TITLE As String ' Setup at start of application as several apps share code can't be Global Constant
' ========================================================================================
' Global Constant Values
' ========================================================================================
Global Const INI_ERROR = "ERROR"
Function AddAmpersand (msg As Variant) As String
On Error GoTo AddAmpersand_Err
Dim iPos As Integer
Dim strStart As String, strEnd As String
iPos = InStr(msg, "&")
If iPos <> 0 Then
strStart = Left$(msg, iPos)
strEnd = Right$(msg, Len(msg) - iPos)
AddAmpersand = strStart & "&" & strEnd
AddAmpersand = msg
End If
Exit Function
AddAmpersand = ""
Exit Function
End Function
' Centres form in argument on the screen
Sub CentreMe (frmLoadingForm As Form)
' mh 951012 - added checking for MDI child window
frmLoadingForm.Move (screen.Width - frmLoadingForm.Width) / 2, (screen.Height - frmLoadingForm.Height) / 2
End Sub
Function CheckField (vFieldIn) As Variant
If Not IsNull(vFieldIn) Then CheckField = vFieldIn
End Function
' Validates a date as a string dd/mm/yy and returns true/false
Function DateValid (sTestDate As String)
Dim RetDate
On Error GoTo InvalidDate
' The DateValue function returns an error if the date is not valid
' It tests for silly numbers - eg. "101010" passed in as a string
' It tests for close numbers - eg. "32/03/95" or "15/13/95"
' It also tests for leap years
RetDate = DateValue(sTestDate)
DateValid = True
Exit Function
DateValid = False
Exit Function
End Function
Function dMax (dA As Double, dB As Double) As Double
' rdm 950722
' return the Max value
If dA > dB Then
dMax = dA
dMax = dB
End If
End Function
Function dMin (dA As Double, dB As Double) As Double
' rdm 950722
' return the Min value
If dA < dB Then
dMin = dA
dMin = dB
End If
End Function
' Subroutine used to display error messages in VB code
Sub ErrorHandler (iErr As Integer, lErrLine As Long, sModule As String, sFunction As String)
' Displays Error Message Box
MsgBox "Error " & iErr & ": " & Error & "." & gsCRLF & "In Line " & lErrLine & gsCRLF + gsCRLF + "Module : " + sModule + gsCRLF + gsCRLF + " Function : " + sFunction, 64, TITLE
' Format of error handling :
' sub FunctionName()
' On Error Goto FunctionNameError ' Use function name with error written after it
' ..... Body of function
' Exit Sub
' FunctionNameError:
' Call ErrorHandler(Err, Erl, ModuleName, FunctionName)
' Exit Sub
' End Sub
' The ModuleName above is the name of the VB module the error occured
' i.e. "GLOBALS.BAS"
' The FunctionName is the name of the VB function that the error occured in i.e. "ErrorHandler"
End Sub
Function FindAndReplace (sFind As String, sReplace As String, sCurrentString As String) As String
On Error GoTo FindAndReplaceError
Dim sNewString As String
Dim sTempString As String
Dim iPos As Integer
' look for a SPACE
iPos = InStr(sCurrentString, sFind)
' loop While there are SPACES in CurrentString
Do While iPos
sTempString = Left$(sCurrentString, iPos)
sNewString = sNewString & Left$(sTempString, iPos - 1) & sReplace
sCurrentString = Right$(sCurrentString, Len(sCurrentString) - iPos)
iPos = InStr(sCurrentString, sFind)
' capitalise the last word n current string
If Len(sCurrentString) Then
sNewString = sNewString & sCurrentString
End If
FindAndReplace = sNewString
Exit Function
'Call ErrorHandler(Err, Erl, "WBLIST", "FindAndReplace")
Exit Function
End Function
' Overload of the ReadFileInI function that allows you to specify the INI file name
Function GetINIStringValue (sSection$, sKeyName$, sDefaultValue$, sFileName$) As String
Dim iStrLen As Integer
Dim sString As String * 150
iStrLen = GetPrivateProfileString(sSection, sKeyName, sDefaultValue$, sString, Len(sString), sFileName$)
GetINIStringValue = Left(sString, iStrLen)
End Function
Function iMin (a As Integer, b As Integer) As Integer
If a < b Then
iMin = a
iMin = b
End If
End Function
Sub SetINIStringValue (sSection As String, sEntry As String, sNewValue As String, sINIFile As String)
Dim iRetValue As Integer
'// write appropriate information to ini file
iRetValue = WritePrivateProfileString(sSection, sEntry, sNewValue, sINIFile)
End Sub
' Sets up any global variables for this program
Sub SetupGlobalVariables ()
gsCRLF = Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) ' Used to store the carriage return string
gsTAB = Chr$(9)
End Sub
Function SLDate (sDate As String) As String
' rdm 950524
' take date in medium format convert to YYYYMMDD
On Error GoTo SLDate_Err
SLDate = (Format$(DateValue(sDate), "YYYY") + Format$(DateValue(sDate), "MM") + Format$(DateValue(sDate), "DD"))
Exit Function
'SLDate = "00000000" - previously in ACAGLBL.BAS
SLDate = ""
Exit Function
End Function
Function sMax (a As Single, b As Single) As Single
If a > b Then
sMax = a
sMax = b
End If
End Function
Function sZeroSpaces (sString As String) As String
Dim sOut As String
Dim iCount As Integer
Dim iLength As Integer
On Error GoTo BadZeroSpaces
sOut = sString
iLength = Len(sOut)
For iCount = 1 To iLength
If Not IsNumeric(Mid(sOut, iCount, 1)) Then Mid(sOut, iCount, 1) = "0"
Next iCount
sZeroSpaces = sOut
Exit Function
sZeroSpaces = sString
Exit Function
End Function